Using Git in Visual Studio has never been easier than in Visual Studio 2019

Visual Studio 2019 has many fantastic new features. Some of these features like the new start window make the use of Git in Visual Studio 2019 way easier than in the previous versions. Do you want to learn how to use Git in Visual Studio 2019?

Check out my new Pluralsight course

In my new Pluralsight course Using Git for Source Control in Visual Studio 2019, you will learn how to use Git in Visual Studio 2019 while working on a .NET application in the context of a small team.


The future of Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and what’s coming next

In 2006 I started working with the first preview versions of the Windows Presentation Foundation with my Trivadis fellow Christoph Pletz. We wrote 2007 the very first German article about MVVM and 2008 I published my first book with the title “Windows Presentation Foundation – the ultimate handbook”. (more…)

Dragging Elements in Windows Store Apps

In Windows Store Apps there are three kinds of Touch-Events:
  • Gesture Events – those are high-level-events like Tapped or RightTapped.
  • Pointer-Events – low-level-events like PointerPressed, PointerMoved, PointerReleased.
  • Manipulation-Events – low-level-events for multi-touch actions like rotate, scale or transform an element.
Pointer-Events consolidate Touch-, Pen- and Mouse-Input. So on the UIElement-class from WinRT you wont find Mouse-Events known from WPF/Silverlight like MouseLeftButtonDown. In my upcoming Windows Store Apps I want to show how Elements can be dragged/moved with Pointer-Events. You can download the code of the sample here: MovingElements, or in German ElementeVerschieben-Sample The app looks like below. By touching an empty space in the yellow area, an Image is inserted. The image can be grabbed with a finger or with the mouse-cursor and moved around. The app works also with multiple fingers. You can grab multiple images at once and move them around. MovingElementsWinRT If you´ve feedback to the code, feel free to comment. Smiley  As I´m really busy the next weeks/months with the writing of the Windows Store Apps-book, I´m not able to give you big support on the code. Use it or not. Thomas