.NET Framework

Calling WinUI from Blazor App Hosted in WebView2

In the previous blog post you learned how you can use JavaScript Interop to call from your WinUI application into your Blazor application that you host in the WinUI app in a WebView2. So, this was just the direction WinUI to Blazor.

But can you also call from the hosted Blazor app into your WinUI app?


Hosting a Blazor App in WinUI 3 with WebView2 and call a Blazor Component Method from WinUI

WinUI 3.0 is Microsoft's upcoming UI framework to build modern, native Windows applications.

WinUI is developed open source on https://github.com/microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml

Last week WinUI 3.0 alpha 2 came out, and Microsoft introduced a WebView2 control that is based on Microsoft Edge Chromium. That means you can run all the modern, awesome web stuff in that WebView2 control if you want.


Initializing Web Components in Blazor via JS Interop

This blog post shows how to use a simple JavaScript web component in a Blazor app. The web component used here is a friend-list component that takes a friend array. A friend has firstName and lastName and the friend-list component displays the friends in an unordered HTML list.
