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BASTA! Sessions about LoB with UWP and Source Control with Git!
Hi developer, this week I had two sessions at the leading independent conference in the German-speaking area for Microsoft technologies, the... read more
BASTA! 2016: Sessions and Slides
Thanks to all of you who attended one or more of my three sessions at the BASTA! Conference about ... read more
Developer Week 2016 – it was great
Last week I was at the developer week conference in Germany / Nürnberg. It was a great conference with fantastic... read more
BASTA! Spring conference 2015 – Keynote
This year at BASTA! Spring in Darmstadt/Germany I had a great time (like all the years before at that great... read more
Microsoft TechDays 2013 Basel
Thanks to all who joined my sessions at TechDays in Basel. Also a big thanks to Microsoft Switzerland for organizing... read more
Interview about Windows 8
At BASTA! (.NET-conference in Mainz/Germany) I gave an interview about Windows 8 and developing Windows Store Apps. You can watch... read more
Microsoft TechDays – WinRT-Controls Deep Dive: FlipView, ListView, GridView & SemanticZoom
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BASTA! – Mobile, Mobile, Mobile
Die BASTA! ist vorbei. Vielen Dank an die Teilnehmer, die Aussteller, die Organisatoren und natürlich besonders an die Besucher meiner... read more
Windows Store-apps: WinRT XAML vs. Silverlight XAML
This post is part of a series about creating Windows Store-apps with XAML and C#. Find the Content of the... read more
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