Windows Presentation Foundation

GUI & Desgin Konferenz – Slides

An der GUI & Design-Konferenz in Nürnberg durfte ich heute zwei Vorträge zu den Themen “Controls in WPF/Silverlight designen und entwickeln” und “Hardwarenahe Programmierung in WPF/Silverlight mit Pixelshadern” halten. Bei Ihnen als Teilnehmer möchte ich mich an dieser Stelle recht herzlich für das grosse Interesse und die Aufmerksamkeit bedanken. Ich hoffe, es hat Ihnen gefallen und Sie konnten das ein oder andere für die Praxis mitnehmen. Zum Runterladen der versprochenen Slides klicken Sie bitte einfach auf einen der beiden Vorträge: Viel Spass damit. Falls weitere Fragen auftauchen oder der Code zu den kurzen Live-Demos gewünscht ist, genügt eine kurze Mail an mich. Schreiben Sie mir auch, falls Sie individuelle Trainings oder Consulting im Bereich WPF/Silverlight benötigen: Mail an Thomas Cheers, Thomas

Speaking at GUI & Design Conference in Nürnberg

It has been quiet here for some weeks. After I had finished my Silverlight book I just enjoyed the unfamiliar free time I had on Saturday and Sunday. I just used it for hanging around with my family and friends. Now I’m back in the optimum of work-life-balance. I’m going to start a series of blogposts about building apps with Silverlight for the Web and for Windows Phone 7 in the mid of december. So I hope you’re looking forward to that. With this post I want to inform you about the GUI&Design-Conference. The conference about GUI and Design has a lot of experts and great sessions to offer. I think it’s a special and great conference that you shouldn’t miss as a UI-Developer or –Designer. It would be great to see you there. I’ve two sessions. One about Pixelshader-Effects in WPF and Silverlight and one about developing and designing Custom Controls in WPF and Silverlight. Find the conference-website on or just click on the image below to join it. fullsize_468x60_1-4 Looking forward to see you there. Thomas

WPF book has been released and Silverlight book will be available on 28th of August

Exactly two years after the first release of the WPF-book the second edition is available since some days. Find more details about the content and where you can order it on The Silverlight-Book has also been written and is currently running through the process of reading, testing and printing. It will be in stores on 28th of August. Find more information about the Silverlight-Book and where you can order it on I hope you like the books and you can master the “programming-challenge” of your wpf- and silverlight-projects with the knowhow you got from the books. Cheers, Thomas

Friday-Evening Fun with Silverlight’s Animation Easing Functions

This weekend I’ve to finish the second edition of my WPF-book. Luckily it’s going to rain tomorrow. But I’ve almost done it. This evening I’ve just ported a small sample for Animation Easing Functions from WPF to Silverlight. It was easy, all I had to do was using a PathGeometry instead of the not existing StreamGeometry to draw the lines of the functions. Use the fun-sample below to play around with these easing functions. You’ll get the code of this version with my upcoming german Silverlight-Book in August. So have fun, Cheers Thomas.

Visual Studio has been released, Silverlight 4 has been released and the books are on their way…

After Visual Studio has been released on Monday this week, Silverlight 4 is also available since Thursday. I’ll have to speed up my book-writing. As many of you know, I’m writing on a second edition of my WPF-book to .NET 4.0 and Visual Studio 2010. I’m also writing on a Silverlight-book (about Silverlight 4.0). Below some details of the two books. The WPF-Book: I’ll finish the update of my WPF-book till end of April, so it’ll be released in June. There are many new things in it, like a section to the Model-View-ViewModel-Pattern, Multitouch, the new Controls DatePicker, Calendar and DataGrid, Animation Easing-Functions, VisualStateManager, Windows 7 Taskbarintegration, Pixel-Shaders and much more. Of course there’s also a new version of the FriendStorage-Application that is using new features and controls, like e.g. the DataGrid: 01_06 FriendStorage now also has integration into the Windows 7 Taskbar. So you can iterate through the friends via the Buttons shown in the Windows 7 Taskbar Thumbnail. Also recognize that the image of the current friend is also displayed as overlay-image on the Taskbar-Button image  You find the second edition of my WPF-book here on The Silverlight-book I’ll write on the Silverlight-book till end of June, so it’ll be released in August. I hope you’re looking forward to it. I gave and will give my best that it’s a great resource to all professional Silverlight-Developers and those who want to become one of those. In May I’ll show the contents of the Silverlight-book on my homepage. I’ll also blog here. For now I can say that there’s a FriendStorageOnline-Application in the Samples with Login/Registration and CRUD-Operations via WCF Ria Services. A logged-in User can create Friendlists and insert data as usual. The app looks like this: 01_04 The Silverlight-book is also already on amazon here. But keep in mind that there could be a change in pages (some more up to 1000) and so maybe also in price. I’ll post more information about the targeted pagecount in May, then you’ll also see some details of the contents. Ciao, Thomas

Be careful with Default-Values of Dependency-Properties if you’re using Reference-Types.

I’ve justed finished a small PieMenu for a WPF-Application for one of our customers in switzerland. The PieMenu is displayed below with a black-red-style. The Style, colors and items can be changed individually. The colors and icons etc. in the PieMenu below are just the ones I’ve created for testing purposes.


Speaking at BASTA! Spring about WPF 4.0 and MVVM

The BASTA! (=Basic Days => in German Basis Tage) is “the” Conference in Germany about .NET. The BASTA! Spring is from 22nd to 26th February. basta10s_button_speaker_en I’ve two sessions there: one Wednesday (24. February) and one on Thursday (25th February). I’ll talk about the new features in WPF 4.0 and about the Model-View-ViewModel-Pattern (MVVM). Find more (German) infos about my sessions on Also look at the conference-homepage, there are many great sessions. Looking forward to see you there and talking with you about Windows Presentation Foundation, Silverlight and your upcoming projects.