Create a GitHub Action in Visual Studio to Deploy Your .NET Web App automatically to Azure on Every Commit

When building a web application, it can be helpful to deploy your application with the latest features and code changes to a server, so that users can actually test it. Especially at the beginning of a new project, setting up such an environment where test users can immediately see and test new features is super important.


Using Git in Visual Studio has never been easier than in Visual Studio 2019

Visual Studio 2019 has many fantastic new features. Some of these features like the new start window make the use of Git in Visual Studio 2019 way easier than in the previous versions. Do you want to learn how to use Git in Visual Studio 2019?

Check out my new Pluralsight course

In my new Pluralsight course Using Git for Source Control in Visual Studio 2019, you will learn how to use Git in Visual Studio 2019 while working on a .NET application in the context of a small team.
