Book: Windows Presentation Foundation

I’ve written a German-speaking WPF book that is called "Windows Presentation Foundation – das umfassende Handbuch"
The book is already out in its third edition. It’s printed on 1244 pages.

You can order it on Amazon.


As the book is in German, I’ll list here the table of contents in German as well:

1 Einführung in die Windows Presentation Foundation
2 Das Programmiermodell
4 Der Logical und der Visual Tree
5 Controls
6 Layout
7 Dependency Properties
8 Routed Events
9 Commands
10 Ressourcen
11 Styles, Trigger und Templates
12 Daten
13 2D Grafik
14 3D Grafik
15 Animationen
16 Audio und Video
17 Eigene Controls
18 Text und Dokumente
19 Windows, Navigation und XBAP
20 Interoperabilität